Make The World Better With a Sweater

logoChristmas is the time for giving and here at CCC we decided to get into the true spirit of Christmas and take part in Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day 2014. The rules were simple; wear a festive sweater, make a donation, and spread the jumper joy! xmasjumperdayphoto

Now in its third year, the woolly revolution has already raised over £1.6 million and this year the government is matching every pound donated. Just £2 can buy potentially life-saving antibiotics for three babies whilst £200 can buy enough high energy peanut paste to treat 40 malnourished children for a week. A little most certainly goes a long way.

The team here threw themselves into the task with their usual enthusiasm, and there was a fantastic array of jumpers on show. Even Event Managers that were heading out to run events made sure they got in on the action before they left.

Just to build excitement and add a little competition, we made sure there was a prize for the winning jumper. Our lovely Event Manager Fiona was the lucky winner, with a home made jumper that included lights, tinsel and a stocking with treats for everyone in! A fantastic sweater by all accounts.


We had a great day. We’re always looking for new ways to build motivation and teamwork, and we had a lot of fun whilst contributing to a really worthwhile cause. It’s not too late to get involved - take a look at our Christmas Edition of Easy Office Based Team Building Ideas for some further inspiration!

Team Building in Cambridgeshire - Country Pursuits at Orton Hall

We were recently at the lovely Orton Hall near Peterborough in Cambridgeshire to run our Country Pursuits event for a small, close-knit team. Team Building in Cambridgeshire - Country Pursuits at Orton Hall; laser clay pigeon shooting; archery; falconryCountry Pursuits is a bespoke outdoor Activity Day, where you can tailor your event to fit your particular team and your requirements.

Activities like archery and clay pigeon shooting (either laser or gunpowder) are fantastic for generating healthy competition, whereas falconry and geese herding give fascinating insights into magnificent creatures and the relationships of those who work with them.

Give our team a call on 0845 006 0606 to discuss how your team could benefit from an afternoon of Country Pursuits!